You can start your prayers with “THANK YOU.”For all the blessings you have already received
Not because god/ source needs the acknowledgment,But for your human mind to Remember how blessed you are.
Yes. There’s always more to come. Things you’re currently / healing and clearing! For sure. But take time daily to Remember the magic of Living. As you did when you were a child. Everything was NEW and exciting. It was impossible to keep the Joy from bubbling out of you. All the traumas of yesterday forgotten in the Now moment.
Now is where the Joy is. Now is where the blessings are. Now is the moment when you can tap into the FLOW that comes from being truly present.This flow state is where the genius pops in.Where you will receive the Clarity you seek.
You can also affirm, “I have a clean, blank state on which to write new experiences.”Start fresh. Become like a child again. Filled with wonder. This is how to reawaken the Magic of living. This is where you will find all the answers you seek.
This is where your Soul can speak to you. (And you’ll hear so clearly.)Much love and blessings to all
And if you wish to reawaken your True Soul self and align with the Life that meant is for you Dm me to chat
about 1:1 coaching. I have 3 spaces available right now