The 1:1 Coaching experience with Britney Taylor
Mentoring for support in emotional healing, soul connection and clarity of purpose and Soul gifts.
- This mentorship is for you if you are so ready to deepen your connection to your soul and truth and build a life around your true self.
- You are ready to learn energetic mastery, transmutation of emotional/ karmic blockages, energetic attachment clearing, and activation of a deeper spiritual sentience.
- You are so ready to live with your soul gifts activated, your unique soul blueprint for life on this earth containing, joy, abundance, health, harmonious relationships with soulmate individuals, and so much more!
- You desire support in shifting into your highest timeline.
- You know that you are ready for a big internal shift of worthiness, self love, soul connection, and awakening to the JOY OF LIVING that's meant for you.
- You are so ready to leave all the not soul life behind, and would like support in the hard decisions that come with radically changing your life to be a reflection of your Souls truth.
- You desire to speak and live your truth in a much bolder way, and would love to be supported in this, and help releasing all the fears that come with it.
- You desire a heart-awakening, and to live in a higher state of love manifesting joy, relationships, healing.
- You are so ready for quantum shifting and activated your Soul gifts and miracle consciousness.
My clients have received support in :
a deep Reconnection back to God/ Soul / Divine Support
leaving matrix jobs to start businesses based off their true soul gifts
attracting men who treat them like the goddesses they are
activating a deeper level of their soul gifts/ mission/ purpose on the earth
living in more joy/ bliss / heart opened connectedness with life
healing deep family / ancestral wounds
deep healing on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual
feeling safe, loved and empowered to take action on their life's dreams
owning their authentic selves, embodying more of their true soul essence
and so much more!
The 1:1 Coaching Experience with Britney Taylor
What You Receive:
6 weeks to work together to support you in transforming into to your most soul activated life.
The Details:
- BiWeekly Coaching Sessions 60 min audio coaching calls with me. Or can be a 1:1 Astrology or Healing Session.
- Voxer/ Whatsapp/ Telegram Messaging Access in between coaching calls. Mon-Fri, daily chat to help you integrate what we've worked on in the sessions.
- access to relevant courses of mine that are uniquely supportive to you
Your Investment:
One Payment of $1499 CAD or 3 Bi Weekly Payments of $525 CAD
What Others Are Saying...

“There’s so much to say about how much I got out of working with Britney Taylor the last 3 months. How can I possibly articulate that in a short and concise way. I’ve worked with coaches for 7 years but working with Britney was SO different. I’ve never felt more loved and supported by a coach. I feel like I’m walking away with a better understanding and relationship with my soul than I’ve ever experienced. This is divine integration. I feel so much less attached to outcomes than I’ve ever known and I’m up-leveling and attracting situations I’ve always deserved. I highly recommend working with her. This was also my first experience in having both 1:1 and voxer support and it was a total game changer to have both. I know I will continue to work with her in various capacities in the future.”
Jennifer Lancaster

“Britney is not just an amazing coach, she’s truly one of the best human beings I’ve ever met. I really don’t think you can find a coach with more wisdom, or more genuine care of her clients. I have felt so deeply taken care of, and so seen working with Britney. She came into my life at the perfect time, and our work together has been powerful, and beyond what I could ever have wished for. I feel so grateful that I found her and got to work with her. She has impacted my life deeply and I am forever grateful. I will without a doubt work with her again! If you feel the pull, and want healing, expansion, truth & magic, go for it. You won’t regret!
Lise Serina

“Brit, I can’t thank you enough for all of your help inside the dream man plan. I joined because not getting married or having a family is one of my deepest fears. I’ve been really good at manifesting in every area of my life except for that. I saw immediate shifts after your first training and it blew my mind 🤯 my relationship has done a complete 360 and I owe that to you! I’m so much happier, thank you thank you thank you x 1000 ❤️ I know we will work together again in the future!”
Brittney Jones

“Brit knows her shit when it comes to understanding how creation really works in this world, and her ability to teach, coach and guide you back to the remembrance of how powerful you are in the creation of your relationships is powerful as fuck!
Even if you feel like you already have a good grasp on it, she’ll take you next level. 🔥
And results? Will blow your pretty little mind. 😎”
Amy Kiddie

“I came to Joy of Living Codes through a long path, yes, however I have to say Brits course has both cemented structure and activated a roundedness in my offering. It was there, but simply not doing its job to the way it can be and what it is meant to be. I have completed many spiritual courses (never to return to them) but Joy of Living Codes, I will be returning to. Why? Because the teaching comes from Brits Soul, the activations are simply effective (I feel the shifts inside of me immediately) and the questions provided challenge me to the edge and bring awareness of what I am not seeing. This is where the best growth happens! Do not hesitate to sign up for the next round! Britneys a Healing Queen!”
Jodi Randall

“Working with Britney was amazing. My energy instantly shifted and I started manifesting more joy into my life. Her vibe is so magnetic and I could feel that spill over into my own relationships. I have learnt so much about implementing law of attraction techniques into real life dating situations which is something I couldn’t quite wrap my head around in certain situations. I definitely recommend working with her and definitely will work with her again in the future. She is such an amazing coach I always felt comfortable in being vulnerable and open with her. She is amazing and has such a wealth of knowledge!”
Barbara Orban