I don’t like to give energy to the negative energies but sometimes I really do need to share my story so that others can know that it is possible to triumph over anything!And I honestly am so proud of myself for how far I’ve come.
If you would’ve asked me a year ago what my worst fears were, I wouldn’t have even been able to come up with what I have actually lived through with the death of the love of my life and what I’ve had to live through afterwards!!!
My imagination wouldn’t have gone to this extreme level of drudged up demonic shit ! Lol
BUT my imagination also would not have predicted the GRACE I would have handled it all with!
The inner growth and expansion that I have had. The person I have become, so grounded, so loving, heart wide open, but strong and fierce.
And so capable to handle what EVER life throws at me!
I am loving the person I have become, I would have never known she could’ve existed. In about mid March I had a low point where it was like I was having a major grief/trauma purge where I felt like I would never be ok again. And I couldn’t handle everything I was going through. I BEGGED god and my love in spirit to heal me, I experienced a miracle healing and have been soooo much lighter ever since.
I made a point to heal any lingering trauma in my physical body, and hired the person I felt was the soul aligned fit (was I ever right) I am a totally different person even now than I was a few months ago. The Joy has come back.
It is still so hard at times of course: to be in the new reality that I never planned for. God didn’t want these awful things to happen but people have the free will choice here to do messed up stuff and not follow soul.
And sometimes you can find yourself living in a Reality caused by this. But god / your soul/ guides can make miracles out of shittttttttttttt
Believe me. I would NEVER have imagined the SHIT I’ve lived through And the woman I’ve become blows my mind.
Hope this can inspire you that with your spiritual connection, and following your soul to the soul aligned people / actions right for you. You can have miracles regardless of what trauma you’ve endured. you can use it all for good my loves.