Healed, Joyful Heart

For Spiritual Warriors Ready to Heal Heartbreak, Find Your Wisdom and Message in the Pain, and Reclaim Your Joyful, Sexy Soul Self

Yay! I am so excited to share with you my brand new course : Healed, Joyful Heart.

Are you Ready to be in

Healed, Joyful Heart?


Take a few deep breaths, allow your body to relax and imagine You: with a healed, joyful heart, you contemplate your life, and feel like a powerful warrior, coming out stronger with everything you’ve been through. You feel incredible resilience, power, confidence, strength, unfuckwithable… because, you’ve had the courage, to go deep within your own heart and soul, dig up the immense pain and heartache, listen to yourself, love yourself as your wise inner child, and free yourself from it all

You don’t run from emotions anymore. You don’t escape. You face it all head on, and you actually enjoy FEELING. Feeling the full spectrum of your emotional self makes you feel so ALIVE! You don’t obsess, live in fear, panic, feel unworthy of your dreams, or believe that your life will always be pain anymore… The person/ situation/ life event that caused your heart to break you feel gratitude for, because of your newfound strength, your shine ✨ is back even stronger, all because of this. You feel free. Light. Joyful. Excited about life again. Sexy and powerful. Because your SOUL is alive and well, better than ever! Better because of the heartbreak.  

This is a spiritual state, not dependant on anything external, but ironically, once you are here, the external that is for your highest good manifests with ease!!

My Story :

I’m Britney Taylor. Professional Relationship and Soul Purpose Astrologer. Energy Healer certified in many modalities. Hypnotherapist. And a Mother and Widow. I began studying astrology when I was 15 years old in 2010, and spiritual healing soon after. I became certified as a healer in 2014, and energy work and healing have been a daily part of my life ever since. I experienced many heartbreaks and plutonic relationships with men in my life, in which I was able to use what I knew about energy healing to heal my heart.

In 2021, I went through the tragic and sudden loss of the love of my life and father of my child. My spiritual connection and healing practices were what carried me through this potentially soul destroying time. Grief and loss made my spiritual practice that much stronger, I had no choice, or I wouldn’t have made it out of the darkness with my soul intact! Now, I have found myself again and I am doing better than ever. It is actually amazing what I have gone through and how I can feel so much gratitude for it because I have gained such strength, wisdom, and confidence from it! I am so excited to share with you these healing and spiritual practices so that you too can overcome your heartbreak and be an even better version of yourself because of it!

What is Healed, Joyful Heart?

A 3 week online course with Britney Taylor to heal your heart and Reclaim your Joyful Soul Self. A healing energetic space for you to transform into who your soul is calling you to be now.

A fun, interactive course to ask questions, let go of fears and worries and get clarity on what your message is meant to be now!

An awakening into your true power to heal yourself, a deep confidence that comes from activating warrior soul strength, and a trust in life and god / universe that cannot be taken from you!

Woman sitting with a laptop in a coffee shop

Live Trainings

3 weekly Live Video Trainings held over zoom and lifetime access to recordings.

Group of people sitting with laptops


Meditations and hypnosis recordings during the week to allow the work to really sink into your subconscious mind.

Laptop showing a Facebook group

Private Telegram Group

a private telegram group chat for the entirety of the course.

Pink notebook with a plant leaf

Journal Prompts

Journal and writing prompts to help you gain clarity on where your soul is guiding you to next.

Neon sign that says "You are what you listen to"

Theta Healing

As a Theta Healer, Britney will do some live healings and theta healing downloads for the group to allow the changes to take place in your energy field.

Laptop with mouse and glass of water

lifetime access

Lifetime access to all content. 

Barbara, one of Brittney Taylor's clients

“Working with Britney was amazing. My energy instantly shifted and I started manifesting more joy into my life. Her vibe is so magnetic and I could feel that spill over into my own relationships. I have learned so much about implementing the law of attraction techniques into real-life dating situations which is something I couldn’t quite wrap my head around in certain situations. I definitely recommend working with her and definitely will work with her again in the future. She is such an amazing coach I always felt comfortable in being vulnerable and open with her. She is amazing and has such a wealth of knowledge!”
Barbara Orban

Shaz, one of Britney's clients

The first time I saw Brit on IG live I just got this vibe that I needed to work with her. I was just starting out my business and was feeling extremely doubtful of myself and my abilities. I was afraid to put myself out there because I didn’t believe in my value. When I saw Britney’s Joy of Living Package, I got a STRONG intuitive nudge that I needed it. So even though it was out of my price range, I signed up. And let me tell you, it was worth every penny.

Brit made me feel so safe, loved, and empowered when I was in my vulnerable state. Her theta healing sessions literally cleared trauma and beliefs that I had been carrying around since childhood! After each session I felt amazing! Light, free, and empowered. I felt so motivated to take action on building my business where as before I was hiding and unsure that I even had anything to offer!

If you are hesitating to join Brit’s Joy of Living Package – SIGN UP! She is seriously one of the most amazingly talented coaches, astrologists and healers out there. But the main thing that drew me to Brit was her authenticity and ability to unapologetically be herself. There’s nothing about her that is not genuine. If she sees bullshit, she calls it out. She is not afraid to be herself. And in a world of fake, people-pleasing, mask wearers, Brit is exactly the kind of person you need to be surrounding yourself with. If you feel any sort of intuition guiding you toward working with Brit, please DO IT! You won’t regret it.
-Shaz Sul

What We Will Cover

TRAINING 1: Accessing the Root of Our Deepest Heart Wounds

In this first training we will uncover the roots of our hearts wounds. We will do some or all of these types of healings, inner child, past life, family line dna healing, ancestral beliefs healing, and more. Brit will guide the group through a meditation / healing to allow all that is ready to heal to be done with ease and grace, in the gentlest way possible. This should feel like a big energetic release, to prepare for training #2

TRAINING 2: Finding the wisdom, life lessons and Soul truth from the heart.

In this training, we will move into accessing the wisdom and soul truth coming from our heart center and Soul. This will be an activation of Wisdom and our personal truth. 

TRAINING 3: Soul shine ✨ Warrior Activation. Getting your healing message clear and sharing it with others!

In this training we will focus on how to integrate our healing and learn to share it with others in the way that we are meant to. How to feel confidence, Joy, and like a better version of ourselves, integrated with the wisdom from our heart. 

When Do We Start?

August 1st 2024

all for only $399

Your investment $399

Only $399 CAD, sign up below!


You receive the entire course plus : One. 1:1 Coaching / healing session with me reg 275 One 1:1 Astrology session with me (can be either soul purpose or relationship Synastry session) reg. $250 1:1 Voxer audio chat coaching support with me throughout the whole course, (can start early or when the course starts) (Not available on its own- 1500 per month in my 1:1 coaching package) space very limited. one payment of $999 CAD