You can choose out of timelines that you’ve been in potentially for lifetimes Envision your highest timeline of Joy, Soul fulfilment and true prosperity on all levels
Then, as your healer, notice what fear triggers / beliefs are inhibiting you from feeling the truth of that highest reality. Go back to the moment, whether it’s childhood or another life; where this limited mindset/ energy pattern was created. Bring in the light
of God and your soul wisdom to clear / transmute this.And have fun with this,Enjoy having such amazing self awareness where you notice immediately when a fear program gets triggered within you, And go “ooooo look at this belief/ energy where did that come from? How can I resolve/ heal this?”Then energetically do this for yourself.
Do this until you fully know in every cell of your being that your highest reality is not just a far off possibility but a reality In the NOW.
Hope this was helpful my Loves. love you all
& PS If you desire support in this process of aligning with your Souls truth and highest timeline reality, Dm me to chat about my 1:1 coaching, or link in my bio to apply. 3 Spaces available in my 3 month coaching container. 3 calls per month. Daily Voxer chat. Access to relevant courses for your healing included.