There is nothing that can happen here that can take your unique soul mission away from you! NOTHING! It has been given by God. It is encoded in your dna.
It does not matter how far and deep you go into the depths of despair, heartbreak, grief, etc. Your mission is still there.I would have never thought in a million years I could endure, or would endure, what I have gone through since my partner passed away in September. Let alone, continue on in my mission with a fire burning stronger than ever.
And even though it’s true, what people say, “oh Britney this is going to make you so strong. A better person. This is going to help make you more relatable. This is going to help your spiritual mission etc.” while that’s all true, i guess. I feel like saying to these people, Don’t you know the person I was before?The months before he died, I was in an amazing place in my life. I was happy, fully devoted to serving my clients and being a mother, wife, and a good person in general. I did not need this! and it nearly destroyed me!
Yes the mission has taken on a greater depth,
Yes I’ve learnt about evil and how to have strong boundaries with energy that is truly unsafe,
Yes I’ve learnt to appreciate even more what’s truly important (although I was already appreciative AF of my man, and if you followed me before for anything length of time you would know I have ZERO regrets here, he was my literal KING and I appreciated the living f*ck outta him; every damn day when he was alive and now that he’s gone!)
But, here we are. The literal worst has happened to me. And it literally kept getting worse after he died. The bullying i received in my weakest state, it was nearly enough to knock me down and make me never want to get up again. (When you are in the depths of grieving, everything hits you like a ton of bricks, let alone actual bullying. I was just not prepared for any of this.)
So, the worst has happened, I have somehow continued to exist. And that fire burning in my soul is still goin strong. When I talked about Transmutation in my last course I ran in August, I was not messing around.
Since then I’ve been given the shit to truly TRANSMUTE. And I am.
Every day, I get stronger.
Every day I feel the light coming back to me more and more.
Every day I feel clarity on my mission here and how even this, the absolute worst of the worst of times, will not knock me down, at least not for long.
This is where Commit 2 Soul was birthed from, I have this commitment deep in my soul, this fire that never stops, this open heart that just lives to LOVE and SERVE souls!!! And that will NEVER stop doing this, no matter what happens to me!I want to help you come back from anything, burning fire in your Soul, and commit to your truest purpose on an even deeper level! Commit 2 Soul starts soon.
It’s a super Low cost offer as well. I know we are all going through so much these days. I want to help you stay on track, with your Soul mission.
XoHugs, Brit