There is no competition when you are being your Unique Soul Self 🌟

We can completely transcend any feelings of competition or comparison when we activate a deep Knowing of our Unique Soul Blueprint and Mission here ☀️

I see it with the astrology chart, there are no two souls the same, Or In a healing session, intricate energy patterns and soul gifts 🎁 each completely unique to each person. Each combination of energies, unlike any other! We can be similar and have a soul gift or an energy pattern that we share with others but our unique soul blueprint and combination of energy is exactly our own!💛

What we have come to heal and transmute energetically is exactly our own!💛

How Our Soul Self / god self intends to serve others and the planet is uniquely our own!💛

We can learn a lot from another, But Always remember any advice you receive from another is coming from their own soul blueprint , always filter through your own unique Self. 💛We can’t possibly be in competition with another, when we are all so beautifully unique.

Stay in your own lane, of being YOU in all your souls glory. There’s never any competition there. 🌟Your mission/ purpose,Soulmate relationshipsJoy of Living None of these have to be “competed” for. You don’t have to win 🥇 the race. Just be You. Focus on your own healing of your distortions and blocks to being your truest Soul expression. And then Be You. ☀️🎉🎉🎉That is all you’ve ever had to do. For true fulfilment in all areas my loves.

Much love Soul family 💛XoBrit


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