I believe we as Humans are sparks

We have just had amnesia of this, at no fault of our own, and deliberately by anti-life forces.
To Remember who we Truly Are.
Is to come home to God.
To Know Truth.
To activate our SOUL and the unique Genius & Gifts

Some of us are here to be the guides.

The way showers.

Through our vibrational frequency and innate wisdom.

To the restoration of that True Divine Human Blueprint. As God would have it be.
Now, meditate for a few moments

Take a few deep breaths.
Center yourself.
Hand on your heart

And ask yourself,
If I fully trusted in God,
In my innate divinity,
In being divinely supported on this earth

What am I truly here to do?
How can I serve from the highest light

What truly makes my heart sing in Joy?

And then have the courage,
To Be this
Version of you.
The Real You as God intended.
The Soul You.
You are the magic key

But you must be who you truly Are.
Your Soul.

Your innate divinity.

Shining bright for All

It’s time now.

And I am sending so much love
