When you take the time to be still, you can always find the clarity you need Counterproductive to how our lives are set up in this human experience, constant busyness keeping us away from our true self and inner knowing (set up this way on purpose),Stillness is Key
to accessing inner Knowing, Clarity, and our True Self & Soul.
If you can take the time each day, filling in the gaps of your busyness with time to breathe deep, be still, Sun
on your head, and RECEIVE the Source energy, you will always have all the answers you need. SO simple and so powerful, yet, it can be so hard to actually live by this in a world full of distractions. Prioritize this inner stillness and you will always have access to infinite knowing, clarity, peace, joy, and Truth
Know that you, yes YOU, are a beautiful, divine spark of God and you ALWAYS can tap into the inner knowing of what to do next, how to heal, how to have more Joy in your life. You always Know. Now it’s time to take the time to be still, and trust the answers you receive.
It really is so simple. But your mind and years and lifetimes of being bombarded with mind control frequencies will tell you otherwise. I’m here to tell you nothing external can bring you what you seek if you cannot have this inner stillness and peace first
Sending big love to all in these challenging times
Take the time for YOU to sit, and BE, and Bask in your Youness and Source energy. You will not regret this. It will heal you.
And if you desire additional support in your healing journey to your Highest path, DM me to chat
about 1:1 coaching with me, What my clients are saying : “Britney Taylor is the fast track to transformation.” – Jennifer Lancaster “I really don’t think you can find a coach with more wisdom, or with more genuine care of her clients. I have felt so deeply taken care of, and so seen, working with Britney.” – Lise Serina“Working with Britney was amazing. My energy instantly shifted and I started manifesting more joy into my life. Her vibe is so magnetic and I could feel that spill over into my own relationships.” – Barbara Orban“She has this ability to make complex concepts super simple for our 3D logical minds to comprehend. Her energy is bright like a shining star and joyful to the max! She’s super down to earth, and easy to get along with. You never feel judged or less than, which I find really important because we all want to feel comfortable with our coach
” -Zoyah S “ I’ve never had anyone identify and transmute so much funky energy so quickly in my life. Brit is so tuned in and just radiates love and positivity. She is a beautiful channel and her work is divine. If you have the chance to work with her on any level, DO IT!” Rebecca Howard “Britney’s a Healing Queen. “- Jodi Randall
