You are coded to live your dreams. Your happiest life.
Your Joy of Living!
It’s in your DNA but you’ve long forgotten this.
You have taken on energy that’s not yours that is blocking you from living in Joy.
You’ve taken on belief systems that do not reflect the highest soul truth of your being.
We are going to clear this. And activate your Joy of Living reality.
7 weeks to activate your Joy of Living Heaven on earth timeline.
- Code 1 Worthiness. Activating this feeling and remembrance of your true nature. Coding yourself for an amazing life. Where unworthiness/ Worthiness actually come from. Worthiness as its never been taught before!
- Code 2 Releasing dark energies Going over the different types of dark forces that exist that are keeping you stuck / stagnant. Entity removal and aura strengthening. How to do this on your own.
- Code 3 Soul Purpose and Soul mission remembrance. Soul gifts clarity, what your genius abilities are. And building your truest Soul expressed mission in the world from this.
- Code 4 Divine Support system . God/ Source / Angelic energy. Connection/ Activation to feel deeply supported/ safe / secure in God. Feeling God is your provider and sustainer in life.
- Code 5 Your Unique Healing Codes. Finding out your unique healing abilities. Activating them so you can turn on your inner miracle healer.
- Code 6 Hieros Gamos Divine Masculine Divine Feminine Activation. Aligning your inner masculine and feminine. The sacred marriage within that helps all relationships and every other area of your life be in balance.
- Code 7 Review and Heaven On Earth New Earth Coding : Review of all the codes and then activating the final code : Your heaven on earth / new earth Codes. What you are bringing to anchor in the New Earth ascension plan!
Who is this 7 Week Healing Experience For?
Who is this 7 week healing experience for?
You’re spiritually in tune, but you feel like your just scratching the surface of your healing abilities.
You have an idea of your soul gifts and mission but it feels heavy or hard to actually fulfill your mission!You want to let go of all that is blocking you from fully stepping into your Highest timeline Joy of Living reality.
You are so ready to step into the best of your life!
You are ready to activate a higher level of Joy that comes from connecting to the true YOU and expressing yourself!You are done with the love and light BS spiritual crowd and want JOY but from a deeply balanced, healing approach!
You have a sense that times are changing and you want to connect to God / Source beyond what you already have!You are ready for that deep connection to Truth that feels like a homecoming
And finally, you feel in your SOUL I am the person and this is the container to elevate you into your true JOYFUL life.
Sign Up Here Pay in Full $444 USD:
Payment Plan over 3 Months :
What You Receive :
Self Study Course with 7 Healing Activations / Live Trainings.
Fb group support as you go through the course.
Lifetime access to the trainings and every other code that gets added as the course is re launched!
What My Clients Are Saying

“There are a lot of coaches out there. And we need different ones at different times in our lives. I am currently working with Britney in her 1:1 Divinely Supported program. This couldn’t have come at a better time in my life as I’m doing some deep healing work. This is my second time I’ve hired Britney to work with 1:1. The first time I was able to leave my job, which I had wanted to do for a very long time but didn’t have the courage to do just yet. This time I’m healing deep family wounds. Britney is THE BEST coach I believe for deep healing. She doesn’t rush me. She doesn’t try to get me to “shift” She literally does all of her coaching from the deepest level of love that I’ve ever experienced from another human being. And for that reason I highly highly recommend her 1:1 work. What I’m working through right now is feeling safe. So having a coach that’s a right fit for that takes a really special energy. I truly feel “Divinely Supported” Britney embodies that energy and creates that space better than anyone. Thanks Brit” – Jennifer Lancaster

“Brit knows her shit when it comes to understanding how creation really works in this world, and her ability to teach, coach and guide you back to the remembrance of how powerful you are in the creation of your relationships is powerful as fuck!Even if you feel like you already have a good grasp on it, she’ll take you next level. And results? Will blow your pretty little mind.
“-Amy Kiddie