a 2 week intensive with Britney Taylor.
When your world has been turned upside down, the old ways won’t work, and can’t work, and you have to go completely all in and yourself and your true mission,
And when you have to commit, and recommit to your soul over and over again as your footing becomes stronger in the day to day muck of life.
Your Soul, always pulling you forward, always showing you the way. There IS a way.
God and your Soul CAN use what you’ve gone through for good!
And you will!
But it will take commitment to SOUL!
Your soul. Not the life someone else planned for you.
Your unique soul frequency activated will draw to you the circumstances required for you to fully evolve into the highest.
It will take trust.
It will take discernment of what is truly for YOU and your highest self vs what is actually other peoples fears or your own.
It will take inspiration.
And following through.
But, you were made for it. It’s who you are. It’s who you can’t not be! Your true self. Your true divine plan unfolding.
No matter what you’ve gone through, you can utilize it for service and to deeper commit to your purpose.
And I would love to be your guide along the way.
Commit 2 Soul is back!!!
Commit 2 Soul:
What is it? :
A 2 week intensive LIVE online course with me all around connecting to your unique soul, and committing to your truest mission and purpose here, regardless of what’s happening in the world, or your personal life. Developing an unwavering soul commitment is what we will be activating in this program!
This will help you:
Access a deeper level of self-knowledge, clarity on who you truly are and what your individual soul came here to do. Purpose baby!!
Commit and recommit again and again to YOUR soul. And your highest plan for your life.
Discern what is actually the voice of your soul vs internalized voices of others, or shame/ fear based thoughts.
Deal with persecution/ attacks on your soul and truth. How to deal with being hated for who you are and what you stand for and continuing on regardless of being persecuted (whether this is a past life memory or present life reality we are going to bring healing around this!!)
Activate next level knowing / commitment around your soul mission and true divine plan for your life. What steps to take next that are in alignment for you now!
Pick yourself up after giving up / failure and develop the spiritual strength / strength in God / Source and your higher self / soul to always continue on after a period of giving up!
Letting go of expectations and letting god / your soul guide you to your soul path for this lifetime.
Clearing resistance to trusting God / soul.
And soooo much more that will inevitably come up with this work!
Are you ready to Commit 2 Soul?
What You Receive :
A brand new live course with me beginning Feb 22. 22/2/22 is a powerful energetic day and we will start our first live training then!
Access to the first round of Commit 2 Soul I ran exactly one year ago! (An entire free bonus course for you.)
A private group to share/ reflect / connect with all the others in the program and myself.
Lifetime access to the course and all future rounds.
The transformation of a lifetime into your true, soul self.
What My Clients Are Saying :

“There’s so much to say about how much I got out of working with Britney Taylor the last 3 months. How can I possibly articulate that in a short and concise way. I’ve worked with coaches for 7 years but working with Britney was SO different. I’ve never felt more loved and supported by a coach. I feel like I’m walking away with a better understanding and relationship with my soul than I’ve ever experienced. This is divine integration. I feel so much less attached to outcomes than I’ve ever known and I’m up-leveling and attracting situations I’ve always deserved. I highly recommend working with her. This was also my first experience in having both 1:1 and voxer support and it was a total game changer to have both. I know I will continue to work with her in various capacities in the future.
- Jennifer Lancaster

“Britney’s course was more than I could have anticipated. Some emotions that have taken me 16 years to fully feel and heal took just over 10 days! Without doing much. Simply allowing Brits trainings to infiltrate me. I feel lighter. Happier in my career and fully supported by my colleagues. I’ve attracted new friends who’ve shown me so much love! My business is also attracting new and former clients who I thought stopped paying attention to me! If you feel the spark to work with Britney – trust it ❤️”.
- Kat Feeney

“Brit knows her shit when it comes to understanding how creation really works in this world, and her ability to teach, coach and guide you back to the remembrance of how powerful you are in the creation of your relationships is powerful as fuck!
Even if you feel like you already have a good grasp on it, she’ll take you next level. 🔥
And results? Will blow your pretty little mind. 😎”
- Amy Kiddie