Accessing internal knowing of divine benevolence that there are loving forces at work to aid you in your spiritual evolution, and you are sooooooo loved by a loving source
This can be something you irrevocably know without a doubt in every cell of your being even when shit hits the fan in your life; you are grounded in a steady solid unwavering faith that life gets to be benevolent towards you
and you claim your divine right to exist in a loving universe
This is a part of opening up or communication with god internally, and your own soul
You must know how loved you are
And even though there are forces that would like you to think otherwise
You feel the resonance of truth
In your internal beingness
That you are so loved
And anything else is a lie

Trust me my loves I have been put through the wringer this past year
Every last fear and emotional pain wrung out like a sopping wet towel in my emotional body
Through it all, I trusted , I trust every day
That I am surrounded by love
I am using all for good
I am triumphant
My spiritual connection and faith in a loving god has never waivered
I Am LOVE loved, lovable
& You are too
We will be working on accessing / activating this stage of divine benevolence in the communicate with spirit course coming soon message me to chat
my loves
I am so excited for this, it is a joint mission between my love in spirit and I, making this all just so normalized, you get to exist in connection with spirit as natural as breathing and this connection gets to BLESS your life!!!
So much love to you all