A healing hand from heaven.
A story of another healing miracle from my love in spirit.
I was dreading my birthday , as many who are grieving will understand. Certain days are harder than others. Birthdays are hard as your future has been destroyed (it feels like) so any thought of a new age or a new year is all depressing.
And for me I was especially dreading because my love in spirit made my birthdays SO incredibly special, while we were together. I could not imagine having a birthday without him here and all his beautiful LEO ways to make my birthday so special as he always did blow my mind with his sweetness.
Then last Monday night, I was sitting on the couch while Dougy was playing. I had the thought of my love, his only night off was Monday, so I had the thought, ohh.. how it would be so much better with him here. How we would be sitting here together right now, if he were physically here.
I was feeling quite relaxed in that moment, and I put my hand out facing up, and imagined holding his hand. (The last time I did this I received a healing miracle.)
Sure enough, I felt his hand.
Not just energetically. I had my eyes closed at this point. I PHYSICALLY felt his hand. I think this is one of my intuitive abilities, I can actually physically feel my love.
Immediately, I felt the bliss as if he were here.
I felt the love from him.
I felt how much he wished he could be here with us.
And I felt how much he IS here with us. I just do not always take the time and deliberate effort of tuning in spiritually to FEEL him.
After this moment, about 5 mins of hand holding from spirit. I got distracted and went on to other things. But the sadness was gone. The dread of my birthday was gone. And this past week I’ve been kinda excited about it actually. (Which is a major emotional shift.)
I’ve been thinking about the special birthdays I had with him, and how amazing I felt. And how that emotional state can ALWAYS Exist. Because we shared that. And energetically, time is nothing. It ALL exists now. In the quantum field.
And I feel sooooo much better.
Ever since his healing hand held mine. I am ready to turn 27 tomorrow. And I am ready for Dougy to turn 2 May 16.
I can go on, because he is ALWAYS with me. And I have felt him SO strongly since that beautiful moment. It is almost like he is not gone at all sometimes.
This is the miracle power of connecting to SPIRIT.
God is so good. And Soul Love is truly eternal.
And regardless of where your love resides, whether physically or not, they CAN be there for you, and heal you, and love you.
My advice to you if you have been grieving a loss of someone important, hold your hand upwards facing, in a relaxed state, and ask them to come in and imagine them holding your hand.
Hands are a doorway to spirit. See if you can feel a shift in energy while doing this. Sense if you can physically feel their hand. We all have different intuitive abilities, don’t expect it to have to be a certain way.
The main idea is to recognize our loved ones in spirit are there with us and want to help us heal.
Belief in that can allow these kind of miracles.
Hope this inspires