In these challenging times, where energetically all is being brought to the surface and we are in a still kind of incubation as the New is being birthed,
Take time daily to connect with your inner self, your heart space
Take deep breaths, go within, ask yourself what YOU need for you to be the most in balance energetically/physically/ emotionally/ mentally you can be
& then have the courage to listen to your inner voice.
Take time for reverent gratitude
The simple things in life that make you feel a deep well of love in your heart
Whether it’s your child
An animal
Your passion/ hobby
Unconditionally loving your partner
Take time for this activation in your heart space
& when you’re feeling it really revel in it
Don’t go into the next thing in a rush
Download that feeling of pure heart based unconditional loving reverent gratitude frequency throughout your entire dna and being
Prioritize this feeling.
Prioritize calmness.
Soul connection.
Inner spiritual revelation
Do the opposite of what the 3D matrix is telling you
What do YOU know is right for you;
Not from your worrying ego mind
But from your heart intelligence soul / higher mind
Stillness and presence during your day can change your entire life
Taking time to respond before reacting emotionally can allow you to prevent karma from being created by you
I say this all the time but it’s my main message lately; a dual message from me and my love in spirit
Introspection is everything !!!