You are the manual💫 Last night I was laying in bed, feeling like just damnnnnn life can be so hard. And really feeling for those who have no spiritual awareness and how hard it must be to navigate this life with no inner clarity… like that is not fair. I then thought to myself, there needs to be a manual for life! A spiritual and emotional healing manual to better stay sane on this planet!!! Then loud and clear my inner knowing said to me, “YOU ARE THE MANUAL!” 📖 Boom 💥 I was half asleep but I woke up to make a note of this in my phone to write about today. You are the manual. We are the manual.Us who have gone first; into these waters 🌊 of Spiritual awakeningEmotional healing and self awareness Soul activation God connection Living a life from our soul and Joy Purpose activation We have gone first, and activated this codes into our reality.It is not enough to just live selfishly with them activated in our own life. We are the manual!Meaning we must teach, or at least be bold and a shining light in the way we live!💛☀️🙏These are new energies here. People have suffered in darkness for so long. We have made it out, and our lives bear the fruits 🍉 of this. And we must now be the Guides for all others who resonate with these healing frequencies.Sadly, there is no manual for spiritual awakening here, But we have gone through it, and that’s why we do what we do, Write Speak ShareTeachAnd BE In these higher frequencies,We are the manual for living on this planet, in this crazy energetic time, where much confusion is abound.We are here to be the way shower of what this life is really about. XoSo keep shining and being the light 💡 that you are my loves 💛💛☀️☀️🙏🙏Brit


britney taylor's sign