Transmutation. 15 Days to transform energetic darkness into light.  

You are no stranger to massive healing. 
You have had many transformations in your life that could be an entire book or a movie, the force of transmutation, turning darkness to light has been with you for a long time. 
But, you are ready to have this on COMMAND, and with the areas of your life that seem to be looping in lower timelines. 
You have been given this gift of Transmutation, now, it’s time to turn the dial up all the way, and use your powers for the good of all! 
You know you are a magical being, and always have been. Now, it’s time to start owning this, and living a life in your full spiritual power. 
Are you ready to activate your soul gift of TRANSMUTATION??? 

Why Transmutation?

Because we have taken on so much, that is not rightfully ours. Our Joy of Living is our DIVINE INHERITANCE, but many of us starseeds/ healers / light workers must master the art of transmutation. Why? We have come with this dark cloud around/within our energy field, representing various dark energies, bloodline karma, ancestral identities, lower formed energies, thoughtforms, so much trying to bring us down and keep us off our mission. Out of our union. Out of JOY. Enslaved in consciousness traps, lower timelines, never quite in full activation of our soul gifts and soul mission that we really came for. This is a sad reality for many starseeds and earth angels. I’ve lived it too and now on the other side of this work, I will NEVER be off mission again.

 My soul truth and soul gifts are so known to me down to the cellular level, they shine brightly to myself and to all others open to really see souls. There is zero confusion about what I’m on this earth for. My relationships are filled with JOY and SOUL CONNECTION. My true soul tribe here with me. 

I am no longer constantly looping in emotional patterns, unworthiness and inaction. Every precious moment of my life is a miracle from God. 

I live with my healing powers in activation, through God. 

The endless emotional dramas and deep sadness I felt on this planet were only a byproduct of not owning this power to heal. 

This gift of transmutation, was always latent in my DNA. I thought I needed something external to heal, when it was always within, between me, my soul and God. That’s what this work is all about. Activating your latent soul gifts to transmute and heal. Taking back your rightful power as a healer. Turning darkness into light. Ending the looping patterns. Connecting deeply to Soul and God, where all true power comes from. And from this place, truly LIVING your Joy of Living. 

Are you ready to activate your power to transmute energetic darkness into light? 

This is for you if you’re so ready to turn up the dial on your healing powers. 
You’re so ready to create epic transformation in yourself and others in the way you’ve always known you could. 
You are so ready to let go of looping darkness / emotional patterns in your field that seem to be more difficult to heal than other areas you have so effortlessly transmuted into light. 

This will not just be a course, but an energetic experience.

An experience of coming home to your true soul self that easily transmutes and transforms all energies that do not align to your highest frequency. 

You will never be the same again. 

Your soul work will take on a greater level of power and potency, as you can easily help another transmute their energetic darkness, because you have mastered this quality in yourself. 

You’ve always had this power within you, but your soul is saying YES to a deeper level of power / knowing / healing!

I cannot wait to share this experience with you! 


What You Receive :

A self study course with Britney .

video trainings
powerful healing activations meditations, energy clearings, journalling prompts and more

Private Facebook community with the other students. for support. revelations. celebrations!

3 Epic bonuses.
listed below.

lifetime access to all content



You also receive these hand picked perfectly matched with this course trainings from my other programs! As a gift from me to you! 

Bonus #1 : Dark energy clearing training and Live clearing from my Joy of Living Codes program. This is an in depth clearing and educational video training about the types of dark energies and what to do about them. (ie. CLEAR! 😉 

Bonus #2 : Angelic DNA Workshop 30 Min Energy clearing with a focus on clearing your DNA / karmic heritage you were born with. This is an Powerful AF energetic activation.

Bonus #3 : Synching With the Divine Plan For Your Life Training from my Commit 2 Soul course. This will align you with the divine plan for your life! A MUST WATCH! 

What We Will Cover :

Module 1 : Uncovering The Real Soul You (who is already a transmutation God/ Goddess)

A guided journey into your multidimensional self. Your highest version of self. Downloading relevant soul gifts related to transmutation and healing. Activating your Soul power to heal and transmute darkness into light. Unveiling the true light within. Your sacred soul essence. This trainings focus is self-revelation. 

Module 2 : Identifying / Clearing Energetic Darkness/blocks

Identifying dark energy and blocks in your energetic field and others. How to clear these out. Learning about entities/ attachments / cords and karmic energy. Clearing dark mother / dark father distortions and bringing in the true holy mother and holy father Source energy to replace blocks. 

Module 3 : Rise Like the Phoenix (putting it all together.)

Living life as the Transmutation god / goddess you are. Living with divine grace. Connecting to your deepest healing mission. Connecting with guides/ God. New Earth Creation Alignment. 

Live Q&A

Other trainings will include :

What My Clients are Saying :

Are you ready to activate your power to transmute darkness into light?



Sign up for Transmutation online course. For only one payment of $333 USD. Pay in full and save. 

FLASH SALE ON RIGHT NOW $100 off link below

VIP Unavailable at this time, message Brit about her other 1:1 offerings

And remember,
You came for the Joy of Living.
